Monday, September 9, 2013

Review: REN Invisible Pores Detox Mask

Like all of us humans out there, I have pores. And while most of them don't feel the need to get clogged/be obnoxious/get all gross, some of them give me issues. Namely, the pores on my nose. I also occasionally have trouble with the area directly around my nose, my right cheek (is it from my phone? I'm disturbed to think about bacteria growing on my phone and causing acne), and the sides-of-my-chin area.

And even though I wash my face twice a day, exfoliate, and moisturize properly, sometimes I need to detox my pores via a nice mask. I like clay masks, but sometimes I like to mix it up. Thus, my love affair with the REN Invisible Pores Detox Mask began.

I've been wanting to try this mask for at least the last three months. But there were a lot of damn road blocks, considering that I live near two Sephoras and regularly visit the Knoxville Sephoras, too. First, my local Sephora didn't seem to have it in stock (in reality, REN had changed the name of the mask from Pore Minimizing Detox Mask to Invisible Pores Detox Mask. They also changed the color of the packaging, from a dark blue to this olive-y green. The color change threw me off, so I thought they were different masks).

Then I went to the Sephora at Carriage Crossing, and I wasn't paying attention, so I asked for a sample of the wrong mask, one that I already own.

Then I went back to my local Sephora at Wolfchase, realized the mask/packaging/name discrepancy, asked for a sample, and was promptly told that they were out. Well, it was worse than that, really. She managed to get the SMALLEST bit of product imaginable out of the bottle and acted like that would totally work for testing a mask! It was probably enough product to cover a pencil eraser.

Then, I went home to Knoxville. My mom and I went to the Sephora in the West Town mall, where I asked for a sample of this mask. The poor beauty consultant spent like thirty minutes trying to get some product out of the bottle. It was entirely full, but the pump must've been malfunctioning.

So finally, I just bought it. I could always return it. I just feel so bad returning products: they just get returned to the manufacturer and don't get any love.

Anyways, so now I own this mask! Success. First off, I love REN's packaging. Truly. It's beautiful and practical and just awesome.

I also love the system that REN utilizes for their products. Within the plastic, there's a vacuum sealed bag. The product (in this case a mask) is stored in that bag. Every time you pump some out, the bag contracts. This method results in a cleaner product for you--you're not dipping fingers in, and there's no contamination of the product with the air, so the risk of bacterial growth is almost entirely non-existent. And to prevent the mask from drying out in the pump and making it more difficult to use the next time, there's this little cap attached to the pump. Then there's the clear plastic body. You can see how much product you have left so that you know when you should repurchase it!

Long story short, REN has packaging their products down to a science.

This mask has a beautifully natural smell to it. I'm not sure that I can describe it, but it's the sort of clean-smelling product that I could just sit around smelling it for hours. Okay, I'll be honest. Right in the middle of writing this post, I sat around for 20 minutes with the pump of this mask held up to my nose. Beauty blogger struggles, right there.

So, the instructions for using this:
1. Apply generously.
2. Allow to dry.
3. Remove by rubbing with fingers.

"Wait, what? You remove this mask by rubbing it with your fingers?" You may find yourself asking these totally expected questions.

It's true. You remove it by rubbing it with your fingertips. It's super cool and unique. I think it's a particularly effective method, as well. Think about it: if you're trying to pull gunk out of your pores, is wetting the mask to remove it going to help? No. With this REN mask, it's like the mask itself adheres to the gunk in your pores, then when you rub it, the gunk comes out and off of your face. There's a noticeable difference when I look closely at my pores.

That being said, it's not a miracle product. No product is a miracle. But ones that claim to do absurd things bother me. This mask doesn't make any crazy claims, which I enjoy. The Sephora page says, "This mask reduces the appearance of pore size and leaves the skin purified, smoothed, and toned. It draws out impurities, helping to eliminate blackheads."

I've heard a couple of criticisms of this mask, one being that it flakes while it dries. I don't know what these women are doing while waiting for this mask to dry, I don't think it would flake unless you were doing some sort of weird facial exercises. In fact, the last time I used it, I tried to get it to flake by doing just that: I contorted my face all sorts of weird ways. And not a single bit of this mask came off. So until you're actually rubbing at it, I've concluded that it isn't going to randomly start falling off of your face.

The other criticism that I've heard is that it doesn't have any lasting effects. Women basically say that it shrinks their pores for a few hours, but then it wears off. This going back to the miracle theory. There isn't a product out there that will actually shrink your pores. It simply doesn't exist. But with regular bi-weekly use, this mask will clear out your pores and help keep blackheads at bay. And that's more than enough for me.

This mask retails for $34 for 1.7 oz. It's not a cheap product, there's no way around that. But it's still one of my favorite masks, so I'm not dissuaded by the price. If you look at it in terms of other REN masks, it's on the cheap side. All of REN's masks are 1.7 oz, and the Clearcalm 3 Mask is $45, the Radiance Renewal Mask is $55, and the Smooth and Renew Mask is $37.

Overall, I really enjoy this mask. It smells great, I love the packaging of the product, it has a unique removal method, and it does exactly what it claims to.


  1. I just bought this too and I can't wait to try it- I'm starting to have a huge Ren problem like you, but I just love everything about their products and I haven't even tried them yet (except the orange mask!) ...
    We should have a makeup/skincare party this weekend!!

    1. I think my REN problem has rubbed off on you! We're totally having a makeup/skincare party. I'm already setting aside products that I want you to try this weekend!
