Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I Dream of Lush

Have you ever lived in a city (or state) that lacks a store that you absolutely NEED in your life? Well, that's my relationship with Lush.

I actually dream of getting to walk into a Lush, of buying their bath bombs, of smelling their products before I have to buy them online. I'm borderline haunted by this store, darnit.

Thus, I've resorted to every method possible to fuel my Lush desire, without actually driving the 4+ hours to get to the closest one. I went to St Louis last weekend, bought a Fresh Face Mask (BB Seaweed, I'm going to write of review of it later this week), and put it in a cooler filled with ice in order to drive it back to Memphis. The fact that I can't have Fresh Face Masks shipped from their online website (because they need to stay refrigerated) upsets me to a level I just can't explain.

This is a stock photo, but I'll write a real review later this week when I use up the last of my BB Seaweed!

I've also taken to ordering a lot of Lush products online/forcing family members to go to Lush stores when they're in cities lucky enough to have a Lush. I'll review my latest lush stash when it comes in the mail!

I just wish I had more Bath Bombs in my life.

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